You may have noticed some furry friends in our Snapchats and Instastories since the new office opened … and that’s because we’ve decided to make our office pet friendly. We’re all dog lovers, so it was an easy decision for us but thinking about it we realised it would be good for our team and business too.
After doing a bit of research, we found that having dogs in the office can create a more happy and positive working environment where people feel comfortable and relaxed. We don’t know about you, but when we’re feeling stressed out or anxious we don’t do our best work… and having doggos around for a cuddle pretty much eliminates these feelings.
It may seem like dogs can create a distraction or maybe even disrupt workflow but this is definitely not the case in our office, feeling at ease when they’re around only increases our productivity and creativity.
Other benefits include improving general employee morale around the office, increased collaboration amongst the team, more exercise, greater time dedication to work, perks for being a pet owner and even attracting top talent. If our next dream recruit is a dog lover… that might be the difference they need to choose to work with us.
Ricki the pug belongs to Brand Manager Amy, we also have Billy the part Foxie part Jack Russel that belongs to our bookkeeper Barb and we’re so excited about Tammy’s latest addition Missy the Bulldog.
Of course, there’s the expected drawbacks of the occasional barking or little accident … but our dog owners are respectful of everyone and their workspace and make sure the benefits of having these occasional visitors outweigh any of the drawbacks.
We’re lucky being a start-up with a small team, we can create the environment that is perfect for us – and welcoming dogs into the office is just another aspect of our business that sets us apart!